Results for Alpine Shire Council Elections 2008

CouncilVoting Count Method
Alpine Shire CouncilProportional representation

Alpine Shire Council (7 vacancies)

Elected:VONARX, Jan (1st elected)
Elected:ROPER, Peter W. (2nd elected)
Elected:MAUTONE, Nino (3rd elected)
Elected:PEARCE, Daryl  (4th elected)
Elected:STEVEN, Mark  (5th elected)
Elected:KEEBLE, Tony  (6th elected)
Elected:CAIN, Narda  (7th elected)
Formal Votes:8397
Informal Votes:411 (4.67% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:8808 (78.47% of the total enrolment)

Recount results for first preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
VONARX, Jan1324 15.77%
SCOTT, Geoff356 4.24%
LEE, Greg456 5.43%
ROBINSON, John353 4.20%
VACCARO, Mario439 5.23%
CAIN, Narda534 6.36%
STEVEN, Mark533 6.35%
MAUTONE, Nino786 9.36%
COCKS, Graham419 4.99%
ROPER, Peter W.1008 12.00%
DYER, Ray462 5.50%
PEARCE, Daryl676 8.05%
KEEBLE, Tony526 6.26%
DIXON, Ray187 2.23%
LESCHEN, Zuvele338 4.03%