Results for Ararat Rural City Council Elections 2008

CouncilVoting Count Method
Ararat Rural City CouncilProportional representation

Ararat Rural City Council (7 vacancies)

Elected:ALLGOOD, Gwenda (1st elected)
Elected:McKENZIE, Colin (2nd elected)
Elected:MARIAN, Andrea (3rd elected)
Elected:CUNNINGHAM, John  (4th elected)
Elected:WILSON, Ian  (5th elected)
Elected:WOODS, Murray  (6th elected)
Elected:MARSHALL, Anne  (7th elected)
Formal Votes:7169
Informal Votes:234 (3.16% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:7403 (81.77% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
ALLGOOD, Gwenda1676 23.38%
McKENZIE, Colin846 11.80%
MARIAN, Andrea797 11.12%
HULL, Fay490 6.83%
CUNNINGHAM, John703 9.81%
WILSON, Ian627 8.75%
GATHERCOLE, Michael147 2.05%
STREETER, Bernadine186 2.59%
TREPP, Rosemary Erica96 1.34%
O'CONNOR, Bernie370 5.16%
MARSHALL, Anne560 7.81%
WOODS, Murray671 9.36%