Results for East Gippsland Shire Council Elections 2008

CouncilVoting Count Method
East Gippsland Shire CouncilProportional representation

East Gippsland Shire Council (9 vacancies)

Elected:URIE, Mendy (1st elected)
Elected:ANDERSON, Trudy (2nd elected)
Elected:ROWE, Jane (3rd elected)
Elected:BUCKLEY, Ben  (4th elected)
Elected:NEAL, Peter William  (5th elected)
Elected:PELZ, Marianne  (6th elected)
Elected:ELLIS, Dick  (7th elected)
Elected:GAMBLE, Bill  (8th elected)
Elected:FRESHWATER, Michael  (9th elected)
Formal Votes:26348
Informal Votes:2791 (9.58% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:29139 (77.53% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
THOMAS, David928 3.52%
GAMBLE, Bill994 3.77%
ROWE, Jane1681 6.38%
JANSON, Jarrod600 2.28%
SUNDERMANN, Rene182 0.69%
URIE, Mendy3548 13.47%
MADDERN, Grant445 1.69%
BLACKSHAW, Gary302 1.15%
NEWTON, Leonie574 2.18%
AMOS, Raymond164 0.62%
NEAL, Peter William1913 7.26%
BUCKLEY, Ben2120 8.05%
FISHER, Dale318 1.21%
SHELLEY, Brian H.953 3.62%
ELLIS, Henrie R. J.960 3.64%
NETTLETON, Robert William395 1.50%
FRESHWATER, Michael1187 4.51%
BARLING, Ray475 1.80%
GARDNER, P. D.648 2.46%
McCLELLAND, Gary Dean250 0.95%
ANDERSON, Trudy1721 6.53%
HANCOCK, Brian Gregory1112 4.22%
PELZ, Marianne1001 3.80%
BLENNERHASSETT, Graeme Francis644 2.44%
MEADE, Tony358 1.36%
EASTWOOD, Clint550 2.09%
McMAHON, Robert451 1.71%
EASTON, Kerri600 2.28%
ELLIS, Dick1274 4.84%