Ward | Voting Count Method |
East Ward | Proportional representation |
South Ward | Proportional representation |
West Ward | Proportional representation |
Elected: | MORABITO, Joe (1st elected) |
Elected: | DONOVAN, Joan (2nd elected) |
Elected: | McLAUGHLIN, Henry (3rd elected) |
Enrolment: | 10176 |
Formal Votes: | 7766 |
Informal Votes: | 252 (3.14% of the total votes) |
Voter Turnout: | 8018 (78.79% of the total enrolment) |
Quota: | 1942 |
Candidate | First preference votes | Percentage |
DONOVAN, Joan | 1072 | 13.80% |
TESTA, Patrick | 191 | 2.46% |
McGREGOR, Sandra Mary | 233 | 3.00% |
TIGHE, Hugh | 488 | 6.28% |
ROBERTS, Hilary George | 654 | 8.42% |
NOTHARD, Eric | 470 | 6.05% |
HACKETT, Graham | 451 | 5.81% |
NEIL, Geoffrey Allan | 963 | 12.40% |
MORABITO, Joe | 1291 | 16.62% |
BLEECK, Henry | 838 | 10.79% |
McLAUGHLIN, Henry | 1115 | 14.36% |
Elected: | LETCHFORD, John (1st elected) |
Elected: | GUTHRIE, Rob (2nd elected) |
Elected: | RELPH, Helen Ann (3rd elected) |
Enrolment: | 10394 |
Formal Votes: | 7827 |
Informal Votes: | 320 (3.93% of the total votes) |
Voter Turnout: | 8147 (78.38% of the total enrolment) |
Quota: | 1957 |
Candidate | First preference votes | Percentage |
RELPH, Helen Ann | 930 | 11.88% |
WHITEFIELD, Brian William | 401 | 5.12% |
MOWATT, Russell Stewart | 943 | 12.05% |
JESKE, Ewald | 277 | 3.54% |
GUTHRIE, Rob | 1105 | 14.12% |
CASSAR, Angela | 886 | 11.32% |
BOEGEL, Fritz Manfred | 462 | 5.90% |
ELLIOTT, Deborah | 200 | 2.56% |
LETCHFORD, John | 1156 | 14.77% |
MOORE, Anne Louise | 502 | 6.41% |
WIEDERMANN, Michael William | 94 | 1.20% |
THOMPSON, Christine | 231 | 2.95% |
ROUSSIYAN, Christine | 314 | 4.01% |
SHEPHERD, Gerry | 326 | 4.17% |
Elected: | JUKES, Roger (1st elected) |
Elected: | MANNING, Neil (2nd elected) |
Elected: | BENSON, Henryka (3rd elected) |
Enrolment: | 10665 |
Formal Votes: | 8222 |
Informal Votes: | 308 (3.61% of the total votes) |
Voter Turnout: | 8530 (79.98% of the total enrolment) |
Quota: | 2056 |
Candidate | First preference votes | Percentage |
GYORFFY, Tom | 953 | 11.59% |
MANNING, Neil | 813 | 9.89% |
PEELER, Len Ian | 447 | 5.44% |
JUKES, Roger | 1810 | 22.01% |
LIVINGSTONE, Liz | 574 | 6.98% |
BENSON, Henryka | 673 | 8.19% |
YARDLEY, Russell | 559 | 6.80% |
WILSON, Brian John | 214 | 2.60% |
TODD, Alan | 572 | 6.96% |
HARVEY, Noel | 1187 | 14.44% |
DRAGO, Joan E. | 420 | 5.11% |