Results for Maribyrnong City Council Elections 2008

WardVoting Count Method
Bluestone WardPreferential
Ironbark WardPreferential
River WardPreferential
Saltwater WardPreferential
Sheoak WardPreferential
Stony Creek WardPreferential
Wattle WardPreferential

Bluestone Ward (1 vacancy)

Elected:CUMMING, Catherine 
Formal Votes:4351
Informal Votes:97 (2.18% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:4448 (64.50% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
ST JOHN, Carolle426 9.79%
MURRAY, Shaun781 17.95%
CUMMING, Catherine2052 47.16%
SPINNER, Claudine1092 25.10%

Results for single vacancy after distribution of preferences

CandidateVotes after distribution
MURRAY, Shaun928
CUMMING, Catherine2276
SPINNER, Claudine1147

Ironbark Ward (1 vacancy)

Elected:CARTER, Sarah 
Formal Votes:4720
Informal Votes:90 (1.87% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:4810 (69.65% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
ROGAN, Danielle1185 25.11%
CARTER, Sarah1423 30.15%
CARSON, Colin756 16.02%
COWARD, Sara1356 28.73%

Results for single vacancy after distribution of preferences

CandidateVotes after distribution
CARTER, Sarah2485
COWARD, Sara2235

River Ward (1 vacancy)

Elected:LYNCH, Dina 
Formal Votes:4571
Informal Votes:110 (2.35% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:4681 (68.56% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
LEBER, Sylvie652 14.26%
LYNCH, Dina1154 25.25%
PIPERNO, Cesar1513 33.10%
GREEN, Julianna315 6.89%
McDONALD, Cameron937 20.50%

Results for single vacancy after distribution of preferences

CandidateVotes after distribution
LYNCH, Dina2465
PIPERNO, Cesar2106

Saltwater Ward (1 vacancy)

Elected:CUMMING, John 
Formal Votes:4684
Informal Votes:214 (4.37% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:4898 (61.95% of the total enrolment)

Recount results for first preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
GREEN, Andrew B.208 4.44%
MILENKOVIC, Svetlana313 6.68%
CORBETT, Glenn214 4.57%
LE NGUYEN, Tony500 10.67%
WONDIMU, Solomon112 2.39%
VERDUCI, John A.380 8.11%
MILES, Grant363 7.75%
CUMMING, John1120 23.91%
MARTIN, Jesse597 12.75%
OVERTON-SKINNER, Jesse275 5.87%
DAVIES, Elwyn602 12.85%

Recount Results for single vacancy after distribution of preferences

CandidateVotes after distribution
LE NGUYEN, Tony2164
CUMMING, John2520

Sheoak Ward (1 vacancy)

Elected:ZAKHAROV, Martin 
Formal Votes:5357
Informal Votes:109 (1.99% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:5466 (69.11% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
JEFFERSON, David1023 19.10%
HONEY, Colin262 4.89%
ROSSITER, Janis1121 20.93%
CLEAVER, Rebecca658 12.28%
ZAKHAROV, Martin1530 28.56%
SNEDDON, Barry763 14.24%

Results for single vacancy after distribution of preferences

CandidateVotes after distribution
ROSSITER, Janis2278
ZAKHAROV, Martin3079

Stony Creek Ward (1 vacancy)

Elected:SANLI, Sel 
Formal Votes:4286
Informal Votes:88 (2.01% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:4374 (66.03% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
MARTIN, Stuart811 18.92%
SANLI, Sel2888 67.38%
CURRY, Steven587 13.70%

Wattle Ward (1 vacancy)

Elected:CLARKE, Michael 
Formal Votes:4882
Informal Votes:137 (2.73% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:5019 (68.70% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
CLARKE, Michael2870 58.79%
PURNELL, Ingrid893 18.29%
SALLMAN, Leon344 7.05%
BRAY, Garth168 3.44%
WINDISCH, Margarita607 12.43%