Ward | Voting Count Method |
North-East Ward | Proportional representation |
North-West Ward | Proportional representation |
South Ward | Proportional representation |
Elected: | ARCHER, Toby (1st elected) |
Elected: | TETI, Michael (2nd elected) |
Elected: | KARIOFYLLIDIS, Stella (3rd elected) |
Elected: | HELOU, Anthony (4th elected) |
Enrolment: | 36205 |
Formal Votes: | 21235 |
Informal Votes: | 4485 (17.44% of the total votes) |
Voter Turnout: | 25720 (71.04% of the total enrolment) |
Quota: | 4248 |
Candidate | First preference votes | Percentage |
TETI, Michael | 3250 | 15.30% |
HELOU, Anthony | 1990 | 9.37% |
DAWOOD, Momtaz | 250 | 1.18% |
ANDREWS, Michael | 408 | 1.92% |
OUAIDA, Hashem | 737 | 3.47% |
O'BRIEN, Mark Antony | 851 | 4.01% |
TAWIL, Robert | 251 | 1.18% |
HAITIDIS, Dimitris | 191 | 0.90% |
EL KHOURY, Robert | 287 | 1.35% |
DE LORENZIS, Daniel | 710 | 3.34% |
KARIOFYLLIDIS, Stella | 1466 | 6.90% |
CAPUTO, Joe | 1674 | 7.88% |
RAFFOUL, Marleine | 1760 | 8.29% |
KAVANAGH, Paul | 1799 | 8.47% |
ROSSIN, Gaetano | 246 | 1.16% |
ALEXOPOULOS, George | 512 | 2.41% |
KOLOVOS, George | 287 | 1.35% |
ARCHER, Toby | 3921 | 18.46% |
THOMPSON, Lenka | 357 | 1.68% |
CARCOUR, Anita | 288 | 1.36% |
Elected: | MATTHEWS-WARD, Kathleen (1st elected) |
Elected: | KAVANAGH, John (2nd elected) |
Elected: | YILDIZ, Oscar (3rd elected) |
Elected: | ERDOGAN, Enver (4th elected) |
Enrolment: | 37470 |
Formal Votes: | 22668 |
Informal Votes: | 4292 (15.92% of the total votes) |
Voter Turnout: | 26960 (71.95% of the total enrolment) |
Quota: | 4534 |
Candidate | First preference votes | Percentage |
KARDAS, Dimitrios | 954 | 4.21% |
ZOUZOUNIS, Julie Galatia | 316 | 1.39% |
MATTHEWS-WARD, Kathleen | 3009 | 13.27% |
HAITIDIS, Anthoula | 204 | 0.90% |
ERDOGAN, Enver | 2320 | 10.23% |
VARVATSELIS, Chris | 158 | 0.70% |
HIGGINBOTHAM, Mark | 1265 | 5.58% |
YILDIZ, Oscar | 3719 | 16.41% |
KAVANAGH, John | 3970 | 17.51% |
FARRELLY, Liam Shaun | 229 | 1.01% |
EL-HALABI, Milad | 937 | 4.13% |
HUMPHREYS, Robert | 2202 | 9.71% |
CIANFLONE, Anthony | 1242 | 5.48% |
VURTEL, Ilia | 381 | 1.68% |
VAGILLI, Rose | 201 | 0.89% |
FICARRA, Joe | 1268 | 5.59% |
NUGENT, Scott | 166 | 0.73% |
HERMIZ, Hala | 127 | 0.56% |
Elected: | CONNELLAN, Josephine (1st elected) |
Elected: | TAPINOS, Lambros (2nd elected) |
Elected: | PRYOR, Alice (3rd elected) |
Enrolment: | 31441 |
Formal Votes: | 16975 |
Informal Votes: | 2255 (11.73% of the total votes) |
Voter Turnout: | 19230 (61.16% of the total enrolment) |
Quota: | 4244 |
Candidate | First preference votes | Percentage |
BOLTON, Sue | 834 | 4.91% |
KHODER, Faddela | 619 | 3.65% |
TAPINOS, Lambros | 4018 | 23.67% |
CONNELLAN, Josephine | 5003 | 29.47% |
SALIBA, Raghida | 654 | 3.85% |
BASEGGIO, Samantha | 462 | 2.72% |
HEARMAN, Vannessa | 548 | 3.23% |
ELGOOD, Peter John | 386 | 2.27% |
MALIGNAGGI, Adrian | 182 | 1.07% |
ERTEKIN, Turan | 148 | 0.87% |
ANDERSON, Christopher | 1411 | 8.31% |
PRYOR, Alice | 2710 | 15.96% |