Results for Southern Grampians Shire Council Elections 2008

CouncilVoting Count Method
Southern Grampians Shire CouncilProportional representation

Southern Grampians Shire Council (7 vacancies)

Elected:RENTSCH, Marcus (1st elected)
Elected:PENNY, Bob (2nd elected)
Elected:ROBERTSON, Don (3rd elected)
Elected:COLLITON, Bruach Fenton  (4th elected)
Elected:CALVANO, Albert  (5th elected)
Elected:RAINSFORD, Katrina  (6th elected)
Elected:BATTISTA, Paul  (7th elected)
Formal Votes:11095
Informal Votes:325 (2.85% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:11420 (85.68% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
HALL, Stafford R. D.494 4.45%
BATTISTA, Paul724 6.53%
RAINSFORD, Katrina929 8.37%
PENNY, Bob1716 15.47%
ROBERTSON, Don1321 11.91%
MARCOLLO, Frank321 2.89%
LYNCH, David John184 1.66%
CALVANO, Albert998 9.00%
ARMSTRONG, Cathy497 4.48%
COLLITON, Bruach Fenton1328 11.97%
COULSON, Coralie743 6.70%
RENTSCH, Marcus1840 16.58%