Results for Wellington Shire Council Elections 2008

CouncilVoting Count Method
Wellington Shire CouncilProportional representation

Wellington Shire Council (9 vacancies)

Elected:HOLE, Malcolm Gerard (1st elected)
Elected:McCUBBIN, Darren (2nd elected)
Elected:ROSSETTI, Scott (3rd elected)
Elected:O'BRIEN, Leo Patrick  (4th elected)
Elected:AMOS, Jeff  (5th elected)
Elected:COOK, Gregg  (6th elected)
Elected:CLEARY, Peter  (7th elected)
Elected:HILDEBRANT, Jane  (8th elected)
Elected:RIPPER, Beth  (9th elected)
Formal Votes:28433
Informal Votes:1120 (3.79% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:29553 (70.74% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
AMOS, Jeff2578 9.07%
HILDEBRANT, Jane1650 5.80%
RIPPER, Beth1893 6.66%
WENGER, Bob1376 4.84%
LURZ, Karen1143 4.02%
CLEARY, Peter2453 8.63%
BOYCE, Steve1421 5.00%
COOK, Gregg1633 5.74%
ROSSETTI, Scott3400 11.96%
O'BRIEN, Leo Patrick2852 10.03%
HOLE, Malcolm Gerard4185 14.72%
McCUBBIN, Darren3849 13.54%