Results for West Wimmera Shire Council Elections 2008

CouncilVoting Count Method
West Wimmera Shire CouncilProportional representation

West Wimmera Shire Council (5 vacancies)

Elected:WAIT, Warren (1st elected)
Elected:MEYER, Bruce H. (2nd elected)
Elected:HAWKINS, Ron (3rd elected)
Elected:RAYNER, Darren Edward  (4th elected)
Elected:van BREUGEL, Eveline  (5th elected)
Formal Votes:3181
Informal Votes:70 (2.15% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:3251 (80.23% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
TUNCKS, Robert215 6.76%
MEYER, Bruce H.495 15.56%
HAWKINS, Ron411 12.92%
RAYNER, Darren Edward263 8.27%
WHITEHEAD, Carlyne150 4.72%
CARBERRY, Fred206 6.48%
HUETT, Doug166 5.22%
WAIT, Warren610 19.18%
ALEXANDER, Nancy232 7.29%
van BREUGEL, Eveline210 6.60%
CHAMPNESS, Harvey223 7.01%