Results for Yarriambiack Shire Council Elections 2008

WardVoting Count Method
Dunmunkle WardProportional representation
Hopetoun WardProportional representation
Warracknabeal WardProportional representation

Dunmunkle Ward (2 vacancies)

Elected:KINGSTON, Ray (1st elected)
Elected:KEMFERT, John (2nd elected)
Formal Votes:1621
Informal Votes:12 (0.73% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:1633 (83.70% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
KEMFERT, John376 23.20%
KINGSTON, Ray597 36.83%
GRANGE, Terry280 17.27%
McINTYRE, Nicholas Vaughan368 22.70%

Hopetoun Ward (2 vacancies)

Elected:McLEAN, Andrew (1st elected)
Elected:BALLENTINE, Helen Anne (2nd elected)
Formal Votes:1340
Informal Votes:14 (1.03% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:1354 (78.68% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
McLEAN, Andrew591 44.10%
D'ORNAY, Benjamin P.254 18.96%
BALLENTINE, Helen Anne495 36.94%

Warracknabeal Ward (3 vacancies)

Elected:LOVEL, Geoffrey William (1st elected)
Elected:ZANKER, Kylie Louise (2nd elected)
Elected:WISE, Jean (3rd elected)
Formal Votes:2314
Informal Votes:23 (0.98% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:2337 (83.61% of the total enrolment)

First preference votes

CandidateFirst preference votesPercentage
FRYATT, Gilbert John383 16.55%
AVERY, Allan125 5.40%
LOVEL, Geoffrey William872 37.68%
ZANKER, Kylie Louise575 24.85%
WISE, Jean359 15.51%