Results for Hobsons Bay City Council Elections 2012

WardVoting Count Method
Cherry Lake WardProportional representation
Strand WardProportional representation
Wetlands WardProportional representation

Map of Hobsons Bay City Council

Cherry Lake Ward (2 vacancies)

Elected: BRIFFA, Tony (1st elected)
Elected: WILSON, Sandra (2nd elected)
Formal Votes:12315
Informal Votes:710 (5.45% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:13025 (72.17% of the total enrolment)
  • Distribution Report (XLS 44kB , XML 143kB)

First preference votes

Candidate First preference votesPercentage
DANIELS, Lynne703 5.71%
LONG, Brian496 4.03%
GUROVSKA, Menka285 2.31%
DOYRAN, Sinem371 3.01%
WILSON, Sandra994 8.07%
DAVIES, Aaron159 1.29%
PRICE, Jason631 5.12%
LALOR, Patrick369 3.00%
RICE, Diana739 6.00%
SHORT, Maureen Elizabeth898 7.29%
BRIFFA, Tony4102 33.31%
SINGLETON, Dwayne466 3.78%
RAFFOUL, Michael1708 13.87%
McCURLEY, Cameron394 3.20%

Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.

Strand Ward (3 vacancies)

Elected: ALTAIR, Angela (1st elected)
Elected: HEMPHILL, Peter (2nd elected)
Elected: MORGAN, Paul (3rd elected)
Formal Votes:16817
Informal Votes:1222 (6.77% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:18039 (69.52% of the total enrolment)
  • Distribution Report (XLS 43kB , XML 146kB)

First preference votes

Candidate First preference votesPercentage
ALTAIR, Angela3980 23.67%
ASSAF, Olga217 1.29%
SERGI, Michael170 1.01%
ELLIOTT, Chantelle179 1.06%
TEHAN, Bill1425 8.47%
CEFALA, Antonio308 1.83%
KAMAREDDINE, Abdul671 3.99%
MILLER, Susan1083 6.44%
TRIPODI, Oliver1367 8.13%
ALAMASSI, Thuraya186 1.11%
MORGAN, Paul1012 6.02%
HOGG, Diana Dora1083 6.44%
McKENNEY-CAMPBELL, Therese734 4.36%
ASSAF, Wajde Wade435 2.59%
HEMPHILL, Peter2575 15.31%
MARINIS, Jim1392 8.28%

Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.

Wetlands Ward (2 vacancies)

Elected: GRIGOROVITCH, Luba (1st elected)
Elected: GATES, Colleen (2nd elected)
Formal Votes:13975
Informal Votes:670 (4.57% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:14645 (73.71% of the total enrolment)
  • Distribution Report (XLS 33kB , XML 78kB)

First preference votes

Candidate First preference votesPercentage
MARSICH, Carl2062 14.75%
SAGONA, John463 3.31%
GATES, Colleen1575 11.27%
GRIGOROVITCH, Luba4509 32.26%
HOGG, John2260 16.17%
SOUIED, Khalid482 3.45%
EL-HASSAN, Talal278 1.99%
THOMAS, Anna736 5.27%
SOLIN, Rodney458 3.28%
KENT, Charmaine735 5.26%
DUGGAN, Robyne417 2.98%

Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.