Results for Hobsons Bay City Council Elections 2012
Cherry Lake Ward
(2 vacancies)
| BRIFFA, Tony (1st elected) |
| WILSON, Sandra (2nd elected) |
Enrolment: | 18047 |
Formal Votes: | 12315 |
Informal Votes: | 710 (5.45% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout: | 13025 (72.17% of the total enrolment)
Quota: | 4106 |
Distribution Report (XLS 44kB
, XML 143kB)
First preference votes
| First preference votes | Percentage |
DANIELS, Lynne | 703 | 5.71%
LONG, Brian | 496 | 4.03%
GUROVSKA, Menka | 285 | 2.31%
DOYRAN, Sinem | 371 | 3.01%
WILSON, Sandra | 994 | 8.07%
DAVIES, Aaron | 159 | 1.29%
PRICE, Jason | 631 | 5.12%
LALOR, Patrick | 369 | 3.00%
RICE, Diana | 739 | 6.00%
SHORT, Maureen Elizabeth | 898 | 7.29%
BRIFFA, Tony | 4102 | 33.31%
SINGLETON, Dwayne | 466 | 3.78%
RAFFOUL, Michael | 1708 | 13.87%
McCURLEY, Cameron | 394 | 3.20%
Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.
Strand Ward
(3 vacancies)
| ALTAIR, Angela (1st elected) |
| HEMPHILL, Peter (2nd elected) |
| MORGAN, Paul (3rd elected) |
Enrolment: | 25947 |
Formal Votes: | 16817 |
Informal Votes: | 1222 (6.77% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout: | 18039 (69.52% of the total enrolment)
Quota: | 4205 |
Distribution Report (XLS 43kB
, XML 146kB)
First preference votes
| First preference votes | Percentage |
ALTAIR, Angela | 3980 | 23.67%
ASSAF, Olga | 217 | 1.29%
SERGI, Michael | 170 | 1.01%
ELLIOTT, Chantelle | 179 | 1.06%
TEHAN, Bill | 1425 | 8.47%
CEFALA, Antonio | 308 | 1.83%
KAMAREDDINE, Abdul | 671 | 3.99%
MILLER, Susan | 1083 | 6.44%
TRIPODI, Oliver | 1367 | 8.13%
ALAMASSI, Thuraya | 186 | 1.11%
MORGAN, Paul | 1012 | 6.02%
HOGG, Diana Dora | 1083 | 6.44%
McKENNEY-CAMPBELL, Therese | 734 | 4.36%
ASSAF, Wajde Wade | 435 | 2.59%
HEMPHILL, Peter | 2575 | 15.31%
MARINIS, Jim | 1392 | 8.28%
Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.
Wetlands Ward
(2 vacancies)
| GRIGOROVITCH, Luba (1st elected) |
| GATES, Colleen (2nd elected) |
Enrolment: | 19869 |
Formal Votes: | 13975 |
Informal Votes: | 670 (4.57% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout: | 14645 (73.71% of the total enrolment)
Quota: | 4659 |
Distribution Report (XLS 33kB
, XML 78kB)
First preference votes
| First preference votes | Percentage |
MARSICH, Carl | 2062 | 14.75%
SAGONA, John | 463 | 3.31%
GATES, Colleen | 1575 | 11.27%
GRIGOROVITCH, Luba | 4509 | 32.26%
HOGG, John | 2260 | 16.17%
SOUIED, Khalid | 482 | 3.45%
EL-HASSAN, Talal | 278 | 1.99%
THOMAS, Anna | 736 | 5.27%
SOLIN, Rodney | 458 | 3.28%
KENT, Charmaine | 735 | 5.26%
DUGGAN, Robyne | 417 | 2.98%
Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.