Results for Moonee Valley City Council Elections 2012

WardVoting Count Method
Buckley WardProportional representation
Myrnong WardProportional representation
Rose Hill WardProportional representation

Map of Moonee Valley City Council

Buckley Ward (3 vacancies)

Elected: SHARPE, Narelle (1st elected)
Elected: CHANTRY, Jan (2nd elected)
Elected: GIULIANO, Paul (3rd elected)
Formal Votes:21334
Informal Votes:967 (4.34% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:22301 (73.61% of the total enrolment)
  • Distribution Report (XLS 29kB , XML 55kB)

First preference votes

Candidate First preference votesPercentage
WEGEL, Valerie1292 6.06%
KAVANAGH, Marguerita1584 7.42%
SHARPE, Narelle4142 19.42%
MENDIS, Sidney397 1.86%
GIULIANO, Paul3821 17.91%
LAWRENCE, R.2609 12.23%
JONES, Hamish1546 7.25%
CORNISH, Tony Donald601 2.82%
CHANTRY, Jan3649 17.10%
DUNCAN, James1693 7.94%

Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.

Myrnong Ward (3 vacancies)

Elected: NATION, Cam (1st elected)
Elected: CUSACK, James (2nd elected)
Elected: MARSHALL, Nicole (3rd elected)
Formal Votes:18413
Informal Votes:753 (3.93% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:19166 (66.64% of the total enrolment)
  • Distribution Report (XLS 25kB , XML 52kB)

First preference votes

Candidate First preference votesPercentage
NATION, Cam3761 20.43%
BOTTIGLIERI, Rick640 3.48%
KEECH, Richard2055 11.16%
CUSACK, James3411 18.52%
DINOTO, Frank902 4.90%
GILLIS, Miriam2750 14.94%
MARSHALL, Nicole2702 14.67%
HAIDON, David581 3.16%
LESTER, Josie1611 8.75%

Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.

Rose Hill Ward (3 vacancies)

Elected: SIPEK, John (1st elected)
Elected: SURACE, Andrea (2nd elected)
Elected: CORNISH, Shirley (3rd elected)
Formal Votes:19023
Informal Votes:724 (3.67% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:19747 (76.89% of the total enrolment)
  • Distribution Report (XLS 26kB , XML 33kB)

First preference votes

Candidate First preference votesPercentage
HATZAKORTZIAN, Ted2376 12.49%
CORNISH, Shirley2868 15.08%
KENOS, Ange1949 10.25%
SARDO, Sav1057 5.56%
SIPEK, John5397 28.37%
SURACE, Andrea2981 15.67%
GUNTER, Andrew2395 12.59%

Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.