Results for Towong Shire Council Elections 2012

CouncilVoting Count Method
Towong Shire CouncilProportional representation

Map of Towong Shire Council

Towong Shire Council (5 vacancies)

Elected: WORTMANN, David John (1st elected)
Elected: FRASER, Mary (2nd elected)
Elected: JOYCE, Peter Anthony (3rd elected)
Elected: SCALES, Aaron I.  (4th elected)
Elected: GADD, Debi  (5th elected)
Formal Votes:4138
Informal Votes:143 (3.34% of the total votes)
Voter Turnout:4281 (78.03% of the total enrolment)
  • Distribution Report (XLS 27kB , XML 66kB)

First preference votes

Candidate First preference votesPercentage
GADD, Debi391 9.45%
SCALES, Aaron I.386 9.33%
JOYCE, Peter Anthony438 10.58%
COYSH, Phillip194 4.69%
JONES, Mark Joseph313 7.56%
GEIER, Philip103 2.49%
MILLER, Julie323 7.81%
HUBBARD, Richard281 6.79%
McCARTNEY, Rex216 5.22%
WORTMANN, David John615 14.86%
BURGESS, Scott321 7.76%
FRASER, Mary557 13.46%

Please note:- all first preference percentages have been rounded to two decimal points.