Eltham District
Distribution of preference votes

Elected member

WARD, Vicki

Recheck votes

Total Enrolment
as at close of rolls:
Formal Votes: 40342
Informal Votes: 1808 (4.29% of the total votes)
Total Votes: 42150 (94.91% of the total enrolment as at the close of rolls rechecked)
Votes required to constitute an absolute majority 20172

Distribution of preference votes

BYRNE, Chris BRIFFA, Steven FENN, Janna JANSON, Michael WARD, Vicki SHNOOKAL, Liezl EBERT, Ryan TOTAL
Total first preference votes recorded for each candidate 555 17727 490 345 16374 4600 251 40342
Transfer of 251 ballot papers of EBERT, Ryan (1st excluded candidate) 130 13 13 8 25 62 251
Progressive Total 685 17740 503 353 16399 4662 40342
Transfer of 353 ballot papers of JANSON, Michael (2nd excluded candidate) 22 112 160 48 11 353
Progressive Total 707 17852 663 16447 4673 40342
Transfer of 663 ballot papers of FENN, Janna (3rd excluded candidate) 144 281 164 74 663
Progressive Total 851 18133 16611 4747 40342
Transfer of 851 ballot papers of BYRNE, Chris (4th excluded candidate) 418 195 238 851
Progressive Total 18551 16806 4985 40342
Transfer of 4985 ballot papers of SHNOOKAL, Liezl (5th excluded candidate) 533 4452 4985
FINAL TOTAL 19084 21258 40342

Elected member: WARD, Vicki