Total first preference votes recorded for each candidate |
877 |
14840 |
301 |
193 |
379 |
737 |
16807 |
3031 |
371 |
103 |
715 |
38354 |
Transfer of 103 ballot papers of OXLEY, Victoria (1st excluded candidate) |
0 |
5 |
42 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
4 |
8 |
7 |
30 |
103 |
Progressive Total |
877 |
14845 |
343 |
195 |
380 |
741 |
16811 |
3039 |
378 |
745 |
38354 |
Transfer of 195 ballot papers of FIGUEROA, Rod (2nd excluded candidate) |
39 |
29 |
17 |
43 |
28 |
21 |
8 |
7 |
3 |
195 |
Progressive Total |
916 |
14874 |
360 |
423 |
769 |
16832 |
3047 |
385 |
748 |
38354 |
Transfer of 360 ballot papers of OXLEY, Georgina (3rd excluded candidate) |
20 |
57 |
39 |
19 |
27 |
28 |
128 |
42 |
360 |
Progressive Total |
936 |
14931 |
462 |
788 |
16859 |
3075 |
513 |
790 |
38354 |
Transfer of 462 ballot papers of GOVENDER, Jeevaloshni (4th excluded candidate) |
80 |
80 |
78 |
129 |
61 |
16 |
18 |
462 |
Progressive Total |
1016 |
15011 |
866 |
16988 |
3136 |
529 |
808 |
38354 |
Transfer of 529 ballot papers of POMPEI, Leon (5th excluded candidate) |
31 |
61 |
47 |
55 |
45 |
290 |
529 |
Progressive Total |
1047 |
15072 |
913 |
17043 |
3181 |
1098 |
38354 |
Transfer of 913 ballot papers of CHELLEW, Tristram (6th excluded candidate) |
85 |
226 |
156 |
325 |
121 |
913 |
Progressive Total |
1132 |
15298 |
17199 |
3506 |
1219 |
38354 |
Transfer of 1132 ballot papers of BRICK, Damien (7th excluded candidate) |
812 |
174 |
85 |
61 |
1132 |
Progressive Total |
16110 |
17373 |
3591 |
1280 |
38354 |
Transfer of 1280 ballot papers of WEST, Rosemary (8th excluded candidate) |
310 |
178 |
792 |
1280 |
Progressive Total |
16420 |
17551 |
4383 |
38354 |
Transfer of 4383 ballot papers of BRESKIN, Alexander (9th excluded candidate) |
3561 |
822 |
4383 |
19981 |
18373 |
38354 |