Total first preference votes recorded for each candidate |
1602 |
3358 |
17442 |
491 |
9839 |
931 |
657 |
1106 |
764 |
1082 |
37272 |
Transfer of 491 ballot papers of LOI, Chin (1st excluded candidate) |
36 |
62 |
105 |
121 |
36 |
32 |
20 |
28 |
51 |
491 |
Progressive Total |
1638 |
3420 |
17547 |
9960 |
967 |
689 |
1126 |
792 |
1133 |
37272 |
Transfer of 689 ballot papers of FRANCIS, Clement (2nd excluded candidate) |
132 |
110 |
91 |
75 |
133 |
70 |
17 |
61 |
689 |
Progressive Total |
1770 |
3530 |
17638 |
10035 |
1100 |
1196 |
809 |
1194 |
37272 |
Transfer of 809 ballot papers of ALI, Safwat (3rd excluded candidate) |
31 |
36 |
71 |
56 |
20 |
488 |
107 |
809 |
Progressive Total |
1801 |
3566 |
17709 |
10091 |
1120 |
1684 |
1301 |
37272 |
Transfer of 1120 ballot papers of GOVENDER, Seelan (4th excluded candidate) |
254 |
189 |
218 |
214 |
203 |
42 |
1120 |
Progressive Total |
2055 |
3755 |
17927 |
10305 |
1887 |
1343 |
37272 |
Transfer of 1343 ballot papers of BAUCH, Joh (5th excluded candidate) |
200 |
230 |
242 |
352 |
319 |
1343 |
Progressive Total |
2255 |
3985 |
18169 |
10657 |
2206 |
37272 |
Transfer of 2206 ballot papers of SYED, Abdul Mujeeb (6th excluded candidate) |
442 |
455 |
695 |
614 |
2206 |
2697 |
4440 |
18864 |
11271 |
37272 |